Privacy Policy


The following privacy terms and conditions apply when you use our Services. When you use our Services, you agree to be bound by these privacy and conditions. Our terms apply whenever you use our “Services,” including our articles, products, services, website, and/or other domains or websites operated by us.

In an effort to improve our services, Agely may collect information that users provide about preferences, and keep a record of any correspondence between us. If you use our service, we may collect information how you use our Services. Our website may cookies in order to improve visitors preferences, record user-specific information such as which pages the user accesses or visits, customize web page content based on visitors browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser.

We use the information provided by users to personalize, maintain the security of, and improve the Services; to maintain our business operations; to communicate with users; to protect their privacy; to carry out marketing and advertising; and to exercise, defend or establish our rights.

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