Age In Place With Reminder Rosie And Keep Track of Everything

Personalized Daily Living Voice Reminder; Digital Clock

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Stay Organized, Forget Less, and Get More Done

It’s no secret that as we age in place, being less mentally agile is a normal process of aging. Though we jokingly refer to these as ‘senior moments,’ they happen to everyone including people in their 20’s and 30’s.

Many of us at one time or another have forgotten our wallet, car keys, a word or a name. However, for some older adults it can be difficult to keep track of everything. We all have moments of forgetfulness, some of us more than others.

If you or someone you care for is having trouble with remembering things, Reminder Rosie is just what you’ve been looking for. A resourceful, innovative talking clock with a large digital face and date that not only helps older adult’s to keep track of time but also medications, birthdays, doctors’ appointments, social engagements, and more.

Age In Place With Technology 

Reminder Rosie recognizes, records, and announces up to 25, six-second multiple personalized voice announcements in any language and can be preset to play daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. Set reminders and get an alert when you need to do a certain task or remember an upcoming appointment.

An automated virtual assistant, Reminder Rosie synchronizes all kinds of reminders and alerts, which helps to manage your time better and stay on task with daily activities, as well as remain independent, age in place and live life to the fullest – a lifestyle that along with Agely, older adults are able to thrive at home and maintain their autonomy.


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